Live for Each Other

Live For Each Other_Satamber

When it comes to love there is a universal perspective that always prevails. It is called compassion. The reason for compassion is this: if I add something good into the matrix of life, there is a better chance that the world around me will give back something good as well.

I’m happy to notice that our world is changing and that the theory of we are all connected is something many of us are more tangible experiencing and adopting. When we act from this position, we tend to have more patience, compassion and understanding. We realize that when we lift up the other person, we lift up the world around us and ourselves.

I believe that everyone on the planet is doing their best. Everyone wakes up and wants to make today the best day ever. We all have that intention. So let’s support each other in this pursuit.

Sometimes this intention does not work out. We are all facing different circumstantial events. When the world seems to be against us, it’s easy to spiral downwards. Our behavior might seem mean or negative. It is then that we are most in need of compassion and kindness.

Negative behavior is always a sign that the person is missing some support. So let’s help each other. Let’s practice compassion, love, and understanding so that we can uplift the ones around us. The world is a more beautiful place with happy people. Be someone that makes someone happy.




A Profession of Love to the Tantric Necklace


The Tantric Necklace