The Tantric Necklace

The Tantric Necklace - Satamber

Imagine standing in the centre of 416 powerful lights arranged in a perfect circle and all aimed at you. You are illuminated perfectly from all angles. Bright as can be. This is exactly what the Tantric Necklace does.

It is a powerful frequency placed in a circle around the central energy pathway of the human being, the spine. It surrounds the spine perfectly and beams the primal universal love frequency into the spine from all directions. The spine is strengthened immensely and energy now flows with ease and stronger than ever before from the lower energy centres of the body through the heart centre to higher chakras. The pituitary gland becomes activated, powerfully communicating to the pineal gland to vibrate at a higher frequency. The magnetic field, otherwise known as the aura, expands, becomes wider and brighter.

You are protected. You are a light standing in the pure vibration of your highest self. There is clarity. A strong sense of self. A heightened awareness. All good is naturally attracted to you, all that does not serve you is redirected by nature. This is what the Tantric Necklace does. It illuminates you in a way that no other tool can. Instantly bestowing you with countless blessings of this sacred universe.


Live for Each Other


The Law of Gratitude