The Story Behind Our Logo

Satamber Musings x Our Logo

There is a very special place in Los Angeles where Kundalini Yoga was, in a way, broadcasted into the collective energy on our humble planet earth. ⁠

The technology of Kundalini Yoga might be as old as time, but it was here in Los Angeles at this very sacred space where it was taught openly to anyone with a desire to increase the beauty, love, and happiness in their lives - anyone adventurous enough to seek a deeper connection to the infinite god force within each of us. This is what Yogi Bhajan gave us: the technology to experience life in all its beauty, glory and magic⁠

“My teacher Yogi Bhajan gave to humanity, if we made all the mountains in the world into gold we still wouldn’t be able to measure the wealth of what he gave humanity.” - @harijiwan⁠

At the entrance of this sacred gateway inlaid in the marble floor, there is a beautiful golden Adi Shakti, the symbolic representation of the generating force of the cosmos. Right below the Adi Shakti sits a beautiful cosmic flower - also made out of marble. This flower represents to us the earthly beauty of the generating god force. To us, it symbolizes manifestation on the planet, reminds us that we and the creative force are one and that when we align our vibration to the cosmic vibration, we can create and manifest heaven on Earth.⁠

The Tantric Necklace was the first piece inspired by this flower because the Tantric Necklace is one of the most powerful objects that we have to align our vibration to the cosmic love frequency. This frequency is what will use to conceive peace on our planet. And that is our vision: to create a more beautiful planet where all living beings live in peace and harmony.⁠

Thank you for being on this cosmic flower journey with us. To walk light on the earth, to walk firmly in your spirit🤍


The Law of Gratitude